Detail: Jessica Comingore, LA in BW.
When thinking of Los Angeles images of Hollywood, of glamour but also of a vibrant creative scene come into mind. But a closer look at the City of Angels alters the first impression as Jessica Comingore‘s photos visualise: In her series, “LA in BW” the designer and photographer captures the quieter, reflective side of Los Angeles, through the eyes of a true Angeleno. The resulting monochrome pictures get us to reassess our stereotyped idea of Los Angeles which now is replaced by Jessica Comingore’s calm perspective.
The photographer who among other clients works for Freunde von Freunden has been featured at and told them
It sort of started as a bit of an accident when I stumbled upon the most beautiful bougainvillea spilling over a concrete wall on a lunch break in Echo Park. I had my camera with me and decided to snap a photo. When I came home to edit it, I found that I had left my settings on black and white, and didn’t capture the bright fuchsia hue I had intended at all. But rather, I saw this sculptural contrast of the soft petals against an urban backdrop. I was pleasantly surprised and made a point of bringing my camera along on every mundane drive about town to capture these little moments, but also spoke to the diverse landscape of this sprawling city. Though I had passed by these locations so many times over the years, I felt like I was seeing them with a completely new perspective.
Find the entire series here.
Photos: Jessica Comingore.