In the past Ralf Schmerberg‘s ads for Levi’s, Lufthansa and Nike stood out in Cannes, two of his films are part of MoMa’s permanent collection, his film and photo works won several international awards, his film “Trouble – Teatime in Heiligendamm” which documents 2007′s G8 summit was awarded the “Most Valuable Documentary of the Year” prize, in 2012 he received the title “Creative Leader of the Year” in the context of one of Germany’s most important media awards, Lead Awards – in short: Ralf Schmerberg is an internationally renowned and acclaimed artist and filmmaker. But most importantly the Berlin-based Schmerberg is a very sensitive person whose work and life is based on sight which is the most important sense to him. His personal and artistic vision is not about any aesthetic theories but is based on his own personality and visual impressions as well as the search for community and new ways of freedom. met the artist at his studio in Berlin-Kreuzberg and to those of you who German we recommend to watch their video interview!