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Peter Langer | IWISHUSUN

Peter Langer

Photographer – Berlin

Known for his photographic still lifes, Berlin-based photographer Peter Langer arranges clear compositions out of accessories, fashion or design pieces – as well as of our very own IWISHUSUN x Marcelo Burlon Limited Edition T-shirt. Products are no longer interpreted merely by their function but by being placed in new contexts; different layers conflate into one mostly colourful and often strikingly patterned surface. From time to time the objects refer to their historic precursors when food appears on plates, seemingly in random disorder, referencing one of the most classic motifs in art history. Other examples focus on excessively strict compositions and clear lines, whilst the next picture might, in turn, be defined by blurred lines.

Peter Langer is not an ad photographer in the usual sense of the term. Instead, he shoots for various editorial publications and works for advertising clients by translating the requirements of product presentation into a truly artistic aesthetic. We would like to thank Peter Langer for his support and are very happy to welcome him as a friend.

What is more important to you, the sense of taste or sight?
Sight, I handle pictures, I have to see. I couldn’t finish a photograph just with sense, but without a sense of taste there would also be no good picture.

You are a creative person. What is your vision for your personal work?
Entertaining people.

In your work you bring together fashion and art – in your work but also in a wider context, are they a perfect match?
I don’t know, but I think that is what creative practice is about: do the right mix.

Looking through the camera can be understood as synonymous with the act of photographing. Does your normal sight differ from your personal perspective through a camera?
Not at all. It is more a feeling that is deep inside you, when you choose to photograph something. The camera is just a tool.

What are your favourite motifs?
Shoes, airports and skies.

What is the most beautiful thing you ever saw?
Everything has its own unique beauty.
I really believe in “the democratic picture” as quoted by William Eggleston.

Sunrise or sunset?

When was the last time you gave back and what did you do?
I always give away 2 Euros to people who are begging, or selling “Straßenfeger”  (a magazine founded to support homeless people in Berlin, editor’s note) on the streets.

What is your tactic for making the world a better place?
Only do shit you believe in. Stay true to yourself, everything else will follow (sooner or later).

What is your picture for IWISHUSUN?
General smiley and bobby melody!
