We are part of STYLE.DE’s top photos of the year. Find all the pictures here. Thanks so much, girls – we look forward to 2014 and more exciting projects coming up!
We are part of STYLE.DE’s top photos of the year. Find all the pictures here. Thanks so much, girls – we look forward to 2014 and more exciting projects coming up!
Katja Schweitzberger editor-in-chief of LesMads, fashion blogger & music lover – Berlin Katja Schweitzberger may be an expert when it comes to fashion but she is also a music lover – we share our love for the “good tunes” of…
Sarah Gottschalk Mitbegründerin von This is Jane Wayne, Blogger & Wirtschaftsjournalistin, Berlin Als Teil des Duos hinter dem Blog This Is Jane Wayne hat sich Sarah Gottschalk in der digitalen wie realen deutschen Modewelt in den letzten drei Jahren ihre…
Katja Schweitzberger of LesMads, one of Germany’s most popular fashion blogs, wearing our IWISHUSUN logo T-shirts. Get your own IWISHUSUN tee here and finance a pair of glasses for a school child in Bangladesh through the National Childhood Blindness Project (NCBP)…