We all know that sight is very important to us. But sight is a gift, an ability that we shouldn’t take for granted: the World Health Organisation states that there are 39 million blind people worldwide but 80 percent of…
In the past months we have been able to help so many people who suffered from preventable blindness in Bangladesh but have been saved by a cataract operation or received a pair of glasses through ORBIS International‘s work – thanks…
Die perfekte Jeans, das ideale T-Shirt, das klassische, weiße Hemd und die perfekte Tasche – vier Teile, die jeder sein Eigen nennen sollte, denn so schnell sich Herz und Geschmack an Trends binden, so schnell haben sich die Augen daran…
Update your wardrobe with a piece from our IWISHUSUN charity collection and save another person’s eyesight! Our ultralight down jackets will keep you warm and will finance a cataract eye operation in Bangladesh with every jacket sol online. Choose between…